
Short and Long Read Alignment Practical

By Nathan Watson-Haigh, updated/adapted by Dave Adelson and Anna Sheppard

As with previous week’s practicals, you will be using RStudio to interact with your VM.

See week 1’s practical to remind yourself how to connect to your VM.

Setup for today

Working Directory

First we will set up a directory for today’s practical. In general it is very worthwhile to keep all your project-specific code and data organised into a consistent location and structure. This is not essential, but is very useful and is in general good practice. If you don’t follow this step, you will be making your life immeasurably harder for the duration of this practical.

To make and enter the directory that you will be working in, run the following commands in the terminal pane.

# Setup project working directory
mkdir --parents ~/Project_5/data/
cd ~/Project_5/

Get the Data

# Make the directory for the reference genome
mkdir --parents ~/Project_5/data/reference/

# Make subdirectories for the various data sets
mkdir --parents ~/Project_5/data/{illumina_pe,pacbio}/

# Get the data
# RefSeq E. coli K-12 substr. MG1655
cp ~/data/Short_and_long_read_alignment/NC_000913.3.fasta.gz ~/Project_5/data/reference/
# Illumina PE
cp ~/data/Short_and_long_read_alignment/36_ACGCACCT-GGTGAAGG_L002_R?_001_40x.fastq.gz ~/Project_5/data/illumina_pe/
# PacBio
cp ~/data/Short_and_long_read_alignment/lima.bc1106--bc1106_40x.subreadset.fastq.gz ~/Project_5/data/pacbio/

Software packages

In order to use minimap2, you will need to load the appropriate conda environment:

source activate bioinf


Using FastQC, check the Illumina data and determine if you need to perform read trimming.

fastqc \
  --threads 2 \


Read Trimming and Filtering

If you deem it necessary to quality trim, adapter trim or length filter your raw reads then look back at your previous code and use either Trimmomatic or fastp to perform the trimming/filtering.

Illumina Read Mapping

Once you’re happy your reads are good to align to the reference genome

# Index the reference genome for use with BWA
bwa index data/reference/NC_000913.3.fasta.gz

# Create an output directory for read mappings
mkdir --parents mappings/

# Align reads
time bwa mem \
  -t 2 \
  -T 30 \
  data/reference/NC_000913.3.fasta.gz \
  data/illumina_pe/36_ACGCACCT-GGTGAAGG_L002_R1_001_40x.fastq.gz \
  data/illumina_pe/36_ACGCACCT-GGTGAAGG_L002_R2_001_40x.fastq.gz \
| samtools view -F 4 -u \
| samtools sort \
  --threads 2 -l 7 \
  -o mappings/36_ACGCACCT-GGTGAAGG_L002_40x_T30.bam \


PacBio Read Mapping

# Index the reference genome for minimap2
minimap2 \
  -d data/reference/NC_000913.3.fasta.gz.mmi \

# Align the reads
time minimap2 \
  -ax map-pb \
  -t 2 \
  data/reference/NC_000913.3.fasta.gz \
  data/pacbio/lima.bc1106--bc1106_40x.subreadset.fastq.gz \
| samtools view -F 4 -u \
| samtools sort \
  --threads 2 -l 7 \
  -o mappings/lima.bc1106--bc1106_40x.bam



As with the last practical we will use IGV-web to visualise the .bam files.

Decompress the E. coli K-12 genome and index it with samtools faidx

Index the .bam files with samtools index

Download the reference, the .bam files and the index files to your computer.

As in the previous IGV-web practical, load the E. coli K-12 reference (.fasta), the reference index (.fasta.fai), the two .bam files and two .bam.bai index files.

What do you make of these regions:

Optional exercise

If you want to try to download and run IGV on your local computer, head to the IGV download page and grab the version for your operating system. This will only work if you are installing on your personal computer, not one of the computer suite workstations. If you don’t have Java or you don’t want to install the Java version that comes with it, or have troubles running it, just use IGV-web instead.

NOTE: If you’re using IGV on your own machine, you will not need to decompress the genome sequence FASTA file or load .bai files.