Please start a new R Project for today called
> New Project
Save Current Workspace
choose Don't Save
.New Directory
> New Project
as the Directory name:Create Project
Although most of what we’re doing can be done in the Console, please
start a new R Script for today and save this as
. A good habit to get into is to write a
line (or two) explaining what is happening on the following line, then
have your code. Try and get into this habit of writing messages for the
future version of yourself, or for other collaborators. Remember, each
comment starts with a #
and this is what we need
to write ourselves messages. Otherwise R
will try and
execute what we are writing and you’ll see horrible error messages.
Last week, we learned how to:
)As we continue our exploration of Data Wrangling, we’ll introduce a
very useful package for working with any text strings (or character
vectors), known as stringr
. This package is also part of
the core tidyverse
. In the Wrangle
section of
the following workflow you’ll see it listed alongside dplyr
and magrittr
). The package
is excellent for managing time & date data,
whilst forcats
is for categorical data, however we won’t
really explore these in this course.
Some immediately useful functions in the stringr
are str_to_lower()
, str_to_upper()
. Let’s load last week’s pcr.csv file to have
a look.
pcrFile <- file.path("~", "data", "intro_r", "pcr.csv")
pcrData <- read_csv(pcrFile)
We can actually just grab the Gene
column out from this
using the $
symbol followed by the
column name. Note that auto-complete will be your friend here.
Here all the genes are given as upper case, but what our
collaborators failed to realise is that these are mouse genes.
Only human genes follow the convention of every letter being
upper-case, whilst mouse genes have only the first letter as
upper-case. Here stringr
is our friend and we can use the
function str_to_title()
. (There are no bold or italic fonts
in the R Console so we can’t really distinguish genes and proteins.)
Notice how we’re able to modify a whole set of values (i.e. a column
or character vector) with only one command. If we wanted to do this in
Excel, we’d have to go to a blank column, call the function
and point it to the first value in the column to be
converted, then fill down until we have all the values in a new
R gives us at least two ways to replace these values. The first would
be using mutate()
pcrData <- mutate(pcrData, Gene = str_to_title(Gene))
The second would be to use the $
operator to extract
just the single column.
pcrData$Gene <- str_to_title(pcrData$Gene)
Explore what you can do with str_to_lower()
just to get a feel for them.
Regular Expressions are an important concept in R
and most common languages used for bioinformatics.
Matching obvious patterns uses a simple syntax. The first argument is
the original string
, which is followed by the search
and the replacement
. Here we are
searching the string
“Hi Mum” for the pattern
“Mum”, and replacing with the string “Dad”.
str_replace(string = "Hi Mum", pattern = "Mum", replacement = "Dad")
Note that we didn’t technically need to specify the argument name as we called them in order. A more succinct version of the above code would be.
str_replace("Hi Mum", "Mum", "Dad")
In regular expression syntax, we specify wild-cards as .
which means “match anything”. This is quite different to many other
contexts where we would use an asterisk (*
) as a wild-card.
Asterisks have a different meaning entirely when using regular
str_replace(string = "Hi Mum", pattern = "M..", replacement = "Dad")
We can also match one or more wild-cards by using +
, so
in the following we are searching for M
followed by
anything, one or more times.
str_replace(string = "Hi Mum", pattern = "M.+", replacement = "Dad")
str_replace(string = "Hi Mother", pattern = "M.+", replacement = "Dad")
We can also capture words/phrases/patterns using the round brackets
containing our target (pattern)
. We can then return these
in the order we capture them by using the double backslash symbol
followed by their capture number. The double backslash is
-specific syntax and won’t apply when we move to bash in a
couple of weeks.
str_replace(string = "Hi Mother", pattern = "(H.+) (M.+)", replacement = "\\2! \\1!")
Note the strategic use of spaces in the patterns to recognise and return.
We can also specify strict ranges of values instead of wild-cards by
placing options inside square brackets ([]
) during the
pattern matching. It’s also worth noticing that the function
will only replace the first instance in each
string, whilst str_replace_all()
will replace all
str_replace("Hi Mum", "[Mm]", "b")
str_replace_all("Hi Mum", "[Mm]", "b")
str_replace_all("Hi Mum", "[aeiou]", "o")
str_replace_all("Hi Mum", "[a-z]", "o")
Alternative patterns can be specified using the conventional
symbol |
inside the curved brackets. Think
very carefully about the following substitutions to make sure you can
see what’s happening.
str_replace_all("Hi Mum", "(Mum|Dad)", "Parent")
str_replace_all("Hi Dad", "(Mum|Dad)", "Parent")
str_replace_all("Hi Dad", "Hi (Mum|Dad)", "Dear Beloved Parent")
We have only just scratched the surface of text manipulation. Many other functions that may come in handy are:
: Return a TRUE
value for each tested character stringstr_count()
: Count the number of appearances of a
/ str_extract_all()
: extract
just the given string from our querystr_remove()
/ str_remove_all()
: removes
the given patternNote that we’ve switched to a magrittr
style of syntax
pcrData$Gene %>% str_detect("A")
pcrData$Gene %>% str_count("[A-C]")
colnames(pcrData) %>% str_extract("(Resting|Stim)")
colnames(pcrData) %>% str_remove_all("hr")
Whilst all of the above return a character vector of the same
length as the original, some other functions do not. If we wanted
to split our treatments using the column names, we could use
or more conveniently
which allows us to specify how many
columns to form from the original data.
colnames(pcrData) %>% str_split_fixed("_", n = 2)