
This text of this file should be pasted into your assignment just below the
Text that looks like this:

title: "Assignment..."
output: html_document

# Assessment Cover Sheet

Replace the comments - this is a comment - in the table with the relevant information.
Do not alter the first two lines of the table.

| \  | \  |
|:--- |:--- |
| Student Name     | <!-- Your name --> |
| Student ID       | <!-- Your student ID -->  |
| Assessment Title | <!-- Assessment title -->  |	 
| Course/Program   | Bioinformatics and Systems Biology |
| Lecturer/Tutor   | <!-- Section instructor --> |
| Date Submitted   | <!-- Date --> |


Please be sure to make a copy of your work. If you have submitted assessment work electronically make sure you have a backup copy.


Plagiarism: using another person’s ideas, designs, words or works without appropriate acknowledgement.

Collusion: another person assisting in the production of an assessment submission without the express requirement, or consent or knowledge of the assessor.


The penalties associated with plagiarism and collusion are designed to impose sanctions on offenders that reflect the seriousness of the University’s commitment to academic integrity. Penalties may include: the requirement to revise and resubmit assessment work, receiving a result of zero for the assessment work, failing the course, expulsion and/or receiving a financial penalty.

I declare that all material in this assessment is my own work except where there is clear acknowledgement and reference to the work of others. I have read the University Policy Statement on Academic Honesty & Assessment Obligations (

I give permission for my assessment work to be reproduced and submitted to other academic staff for the purposes of assessment and to be copied, submitted to and retained by the University's plagiarism detection software provider for the purposes of electronic checking of plagiarism.
<!-- Replace a1234567 with your student ID and add the date. -->
| Signed   | Date       |
| -------- | ---------- |
| a1234567 | yyyy/mm/dd |


<!-- Your assessment text goes below this line -->