Assignment 2 [30 marks] Note that failure to include the coversheet in the R markdown document will incur a 5 mark penalty.

Due before 12pm, Friday 23rd August, 2024

Your answers to all questions should be submitted to myUni as a single .zip file containing 3 files:

  1. a bash script for Q1 2) a bash script for Q2, and 3) a single Rmarkdown document that includes the required coversheet and contains the answers to the statistics questions (Q3 and Q4). Note that the file my_species_gff_features.txt is not required as part of your submission for Q1, only the script which will generate this file! Similarly, for Q2, only the script is required.

Required scripts [15 marks]

Q1. Write a script to: + Download the gff3 file for your assigned species (see bottom of page) to your current directory from Ensembl [1 mark] + Count how many of each feature type there is, sorted in numerical order [4 marks] + Export the results to a file with a name of the form my_species_gff_features.txt where you use your assigned species name instead of my_species [1 mark]. NB: If your actual species is not included in the name, no marks will be given. + The script must also include code to generate one or more comment lines in the output file/table before the table with the genome-build used, (hint: grep your gff to find the genome build info as the header is very large in most cases) + The script must also write the code used to generate the summary (counts) data to the output file as part of the file header. [2 marks]

Q2. For the file we used in the practicals (Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.ncrna.fa), add to the final practical script provided so that: + the output contains a meaningful header [1 mark] + the output contains column names [2 marks] + the output includes: a) gene id; b) chromosome; c) start; d) stop; e) strand and f) gene_biotype [3 marks] + Appropriate comments which make the script easier to understand [1 mark]

NB: If identical comments are identified in any submissions, a mark of zero will be given for this question for all suspicious submissions.

Statistics questions [15 marks]

In a single rmarkdown file answer the following questions:

Q3. Two groups of people have volunteered to take part in a genetic study. Group 1 (n = 126) are volunteers with no history of Type I Diabetes in their immediate family, whilst Group 2 (n = 183) have all been diagnosed with Type I Diabetes. A genotyping study was undertaken on these volunteers using 25,786 SNPs selected due to their proximity to key immune genes. Researchers are looking to identify any SNP genotypes which may increase the risk of Type I Diabetes. In your answer, consider the reference SNP allele as A and the alternate SNP allele as B, using the genotypes AA, AB and BB.

a. For an individual SNP, what test would be appropriate for this comparison? [1 mark]
b. Define H₀ and Hₐ for the genotype at each individual SNP. [2 marks]
c. If there was no true difference in any genotypes between the two groups, how many p-values would you expect to see < 0.05? [1 mark]
d. Using Bonferroni's method, what would a suitable cutoff value be to consider a SNP as being associated with an increased risk of Type I diabetes, i.e., to reject H₀ [1 mark]
e. Given the following genotype table, would you reject or fail to reject H₀? Provide your working and a full explanation. [3 marks]

Group AA AB BB
Control 25 60 41
T1D 21 55 103

Q4. An experiment was repeated multiple times, in which GFP fluorescence was measured in a cell culture as a measurement of gene expression, both before and after viral transfection. GFP was present on a plasmid as a reporter for activity at a specific promoter. The change in fluorescence values obtained for each repeat are given below as the vector x, presented on the log2 scale for your individual subset of experiments.

a. Define H₀ and Hₐ [2 marks]
b. Calculate the sample mean and sample variance in R [2 marks]
c. Calculate the T-statistic using R. [1 mark]
d. What would the degrees of freedom be for your t-test? [1 mark]
e. Calculate the p-value using R [1 mark]

Show all working & code.

Species For Question 1

If your student number is not listed, please contact Dave to ensure you are added to the list

You can download your assigned species here: '' of course you will have to add the relevant additional information to specify your species and the '.100.gff3.gz' file.

ID Species Taxonomy ID Common Name
a1137364 Monodelphis domestica 13616 Gray Short-Tailed Opossum
Neolamprologus brichardi 32507 Princess cichlid
a1645191 Mola mola 94237 Ocean Sunfish
a1703423 Pelodiscus sinensis 13735 Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle
a1749842 terrapene carolina triunguis 158814 Three-Toed Box Turtle
a1766804 Hippocampus comes 109280 Tiger Tail Seahorse
a1773594 bison bison bison 9901 Plains Bison
a1792812 canis lupus dingo 9612 Dingo
a1795973 sus scrofa pietrain 9823 Pig
a1797428 chrysemys picta bellii 8479 Western Painted Turtle
a1823995 Aotus nancymaae 37293 Ma's Night Monkey
a1839745 Poecilia mexicana 48701 Shortfin molly
a1843355 mustela putorius furo 9668 Domestic Ferret
a1850508 Serinus canaria 9135 Common Canary
a1851176 Salmo salar 8030 Atlantic Salmon
a1851451 Poecilia reticulata 8081 Guppy
a1851815 Macaca fascicularis 9541 Crab-Eating Macaque
a1853428 Poecilia formosa 48698 Amazon Molly
a1862759 Pan paniscus 9597 Pygmy Chimpanzee
a1863615 Neovison vison 452646 American Mink
a1864525 Fukomys damarensis 885580 Damara Mole-Rat
a1865749 Gambusia affinis 33528 Western Mosquitofish
a1868878 sus scrofa usmarc 9823 Pig
a1869981 Chinchilla lanigera 34839 Long-Tailed Chinchilla
a1871922 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum 59479 Greater Horseshoe Bat
a1872208 Monopterus albus 43700 Swamp Eel
a1873151 mus musculus c57bl6nj 10090 Mouse
a1875420 Fundulus heteroclitus 8078 Mummichog
a1876866 Parambassis ranga 210632 Indian Glassy Fish
a1886661 Castor canadensis 51338 American Beaver
a1893982 astyanax mexicanus pachon 7994 Pachon Cavefish
a1894721 Pygocentrus nattereri 42514 Red-Bellied Piranha
a1894991 Oryzias javanicus 123683 Javanese Ricefish
a1897552 Clupea harengus 7950 Atlantic Herring
a1899345 Ictidomys tridecemlineatus 43179 Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel
a1900426 Sarcophilus harrisii 9305 Tasmanian Devil
a1901379 Otolemur garnettii 30611 Small-Eared Galago
a1903005 Xiphophorus maculatus 8083 Southern Platyfish
a1904204 Anabas testudineus 64144 Climbing Perch
a1904509 Lepidothrix coronata 321398 Blue-Crowned Manakin
a1906661 mus musculus akrj 10090 Mouse
a1773541 Strigops habroptila 2489341 Kakapo
a1909154 Cebus capucinus 9516 White-Faced Sapajou
a1910059 sus scrofa bamei 9823 Pig
a1909565 sus scrofa berkshire 9823 Pig
a1932615 Zonotrichia albicollis 44394 White-Throated Sparrow
a1935423 Geospiza fortis 48883 Medium Ground-Finch
a1940870 Pogona vitticeps 103695 Central Bearded Dragon
a1947736 Equus caballus 9796 Horse
a1947841 Larimichthys crocea 215358 Large Yellow Croaker
a1954027 Ictalurus punctatus 7998 Channel Catfish
a1954456 panthera tigris altaica 9694 Amur Tiger
a1955686 Ovis aries 9940 Sheep

Values For Question 4

If your student number is not listed, please contact Dave to ensure you are added to the list

The results you are analysing for Q4 are as follows. You can simply paste these values into your RMarkdown document as the object x and perform all of your analysis on these values.

ID Values
a1137364 x <- c(-0.0433, 2.2891, 1.0951, 1.8736)
x <- c(-0.1669, -0.1257, 0.5036, 0.0166, -2.4042, -0.1197, 2.1225, 1.212, 5.6835)
a1645191 x <- c(1.4484, 1.3787, -0.4143, 3.6535, 1.8083, 0.4871)
a1703423 x <- c(0.8609, 0.1178, 0.9691, -1.4772, 2.5688, 0.1644, -0.8474, -2.1161)
a1749842 x <- c(1.6882, 0.6029, 1.9638, -0.8317, -0.988, -2.3742, -0.4314)
a1766804 x <- c(4.8103, -0.8988, -0.7313, 3.5593, -0.4826, 2.4308, -0.4153, 0.0668, 2.867)
a1773594 x <- c(0.2608, -1.4151, 2.8979, 1.4756, 2.2516)
a1792812 x <- c(-0.6245, -0.2226, 1.5684, -1.2285)
a1795973 x <- c(1.8684, 0.2476, 0.5143, 0.3547, -0.1645, 1.251, -1.9733, 2.3365, -0.1596)
a1797428 x <- c(-1.2975, 1.7608, -0.0982, 1.8631, -2.3649, 0.1515, 1.709, -1.1104)
a1823995 x <- c(0.0863, 0.5653, 0.4356, 2.2952, 0.8758, 0.0343)
a1839745 x <- c(0.5774, 1.3214, 2.6437, -0.2024)
a1843355 x <- c(1.0581, -1.0416, -0.8031, -0.1871)
a1850508 x <- c(-0.9714, 1.6317, -1.3517, 1.1421, -0.2032, 1.0515, 1.9313, 1.8357, -1.4458)
a1851176 x <- c(-2.08, -0.8782, 0.285, 1.3781)
a1851451 x <- c(1.2449, -0.7304, -0.1646, 2.0851, -0.7812, 0.5486, 0.9953, 0.1769, 0.3606)
a1851815 x <- c(0.0134, 1.9545, 1.0156, 2.4974)
a1853428 x <- c(-0.0298, -1.3617, 2.1709, 0.8543, 0.2726, -0.7025)
a1862759 x <- c(0.0065, 1.0768, -0.7598, 3.0874)
a1863615 x <- c(0.7639, 0.0844, 1.6849, -0.5075, -0.8914, 1.0112, 2.7931)
a1864525 x <- c(1.1527, 1.6518, 1.6833, -1.3038, 0.6058, 0.4401, -1.1379, 1.6957)
a1865749 x <- c(1.5056, 1.647, -0.0661, -2.1343, 1.423, 0.7569, 0.0609)
a1868878 x <- c(-2.9709, -0.45, 0.0074, 0.1217, 2.5973)
a1869981 x <- c(0.8152, 1.4271, 0.4694, -0.2918, -0.286, -0.6054, 1.2336)
a1871922 x <- c(0.5119, -1.8475, 1.8198, -0.1338, 0.8777, 0.0604, -0.4013, 0.3594, 2.3255)
a1872208 x <- c(0.7079, 0.3685, 0.2181, 0.5549, -2.3652, -1.2004, 3.4151)
a1873151 x <- c(2.4517, 1.4722, 2.6803, -1.9407, -0.6271, -0.2569, -0.4746, 2.6373, -2.0029)
a1875420 x <- c(-1.5192, 2.833, 3.3837, -1.0578, 0.8613, 2.5236, -2.2051, -0.4782, 3.1518)
a1876866 x <- c(-1.123, -0.3904, -0.4987, 2.0421, -0.8621, -0.7427, 0.7549, -0.5748, 0.4906, -1.0987)
a1886661 x <- c(1.129, -0.5184, 0.0759, 0.4659)
a1893982 x <- c(0.4595, 1.7962, 2.1128, 2.646, -2.3673, -0.1961)
a1894721 x <- c(-2.91, 2.5906, -1.8167, -0.9061, -0.8382, 0.2453, 0.4134, 3.5842)
a1894991 x <- c(1.9851, -0.5493, 1.7286, 3.7736, 0.4708, 0.7642, 0.8895, 2.0142, -0.3351)
a1897552 x <- c(3.2391, -1.7528, 0.4305, -0.6628, -1.6469, 0.782, 1.5166, 0.237)
a1899345 x <- c(0.1474, 1.9407, 0.5564, 1.7953, 1.2655, 0.1691, 0.4547, 0.0187, -2.1591, 0.6655)
a1773541 x <- c(-0.3584, 3.5074, 2.9401, 2.1211, -0.1264, 0.9589, -1.1208, -1.9353, 1.7136)
a1901379 x <- c(0.3038, -1.1985, -1.7394, 0.2135, 2.5004, 1.6915, 2.8043, 0.5944)
a1903005 x <- c(0.6722, -0.1956, 0.5278, 1.8678, 3.1052, 1.2281, 3.0446, -0.5916)
a1904204 x <- c(-0.992, 4.0864, 1.3728, 1.2436, -0.6282)
a1904509 x <- c(-0.1648, 2.1814, -1.0161, 0.9513, 1.0205, -0.0862, 0.5003, -1.3463, -0.1135, 2.1983)
a1906661 x <- c(0.706, -0.9058, 2.1544, 2.9012, 1.1209, -1.3753, 1.9729, 2.875, 3.6917, -1.077)
a1908426 x <- c(1.2641, 1.44, 0.1889, 0.1464, -0.4497, 1.3661, 2.1486, 2.4283, 1.108, 1.2788)
a1909154 x <- c(2.4852, 1.2269, -0.0679, -0.9611, 2.1799)
a1910059 x <- c(2.8994, -3.0528, 0.1018, 1.3461, 0.9224, 1.1955, 2.3327)
a1909565 x <- c(2.0478, -1.8305, 1.4769, -0.1325, 1.2525, 1.7385)
a1932615 x <- c(0.9234, 1.4015, -0.3947, -3.1329, -0.1542, 1.9771, -0.4997, 0.0226)
a1935423 x <- c(0.6379, 2.0681, 2.887, 0.844, 0.398, 0.265, 0.0612, 0.8686)
a1940870 x <- c(-1.0123, 2.6733, 0.0865, 2.7096, 2.1062, -0.157, 0.6258, -0.5091, 0.114, 0.0341)
a1947736 x <- c(1.2537, 2.7525, 0.5015, 0.3354, -1.129, 1.1688, 3.6342, 1.2302, 0.8297, 1.3461)
a1947841 x <- c(-1.5333, 2.0824, 2.7886, -0.0431, 0.0146, -1.404, 0.7452, 3.0861, -1.9524, 0.3867)
a1954027 x <- c(0.6892, -0.1318, -0.1043, 4.0503, 0.0989, 0.8987, 1.7833)
a1954456 x <- c(-0.0944, -1.7223, 0.9764, 0.657, 0.6068, -1.0101, 0.5493)
a1955686 x <- c(0.1344, 0.0336, -1.2412, 0.3731)