
Graph Genomes Practical: Part 1

By Chelsea Matthews - Adapted from Yassine Souilmi

1. Background

Many bioinformatics analyses begin by aligning reads to a linear reference genome and you’ve done this in earlier practicals. Reads are aligned to the reference based on the similarity of their sequence to the reference sequence. This means that if a newly sequenced genome has a genomic sequence that is very different to the reference genome for that species, reads that originate from these different regions may not align to the reference genome or might align to the wrong region of the reference genome. When a read doesn’t align at all, it is often discarded and so we lose some information about the newly sequenced sample genome. Similarly, when a read incorrectly aligns, we falsely interpret what the newly sequenced genome looks like. This bias in an analysis is called reference bias and it can have a significant impact on our findings.

Pan-genomes, and in this case, pan-genome graphs help to reduce reference bias. Instead of representing one possible genome for that species (eg. the E. coli reference you used in an earlier practical) genome graphs represent multiple possibilities for that species genome. This means that when we align reads to the genome graph, reads are more likely to be similar to a sequence represented within the graph and so alignment rates and alignment accuracy are better.

"Alignment to a reference vs alignment to a graph"

Note: Bioinformatics methods where we align reads to a linear reference genome (like the E. coli reference you used in an earlier practical) are cheaper and simpler than building and using a genome graph and these linear reference-based methods are very well documented and tested. The methods and software for building and using genome graphs are still under development. For these reasons, linear reference genomes are currently far more commonly used than graph-based approaches but this may change in the near future.

Part 1: Variant Graphs

First you will need to load the required tools.

source activate bioinf

This includes all of the tools we’ll be using today.

The following commands should each display some usage instructions for each tool

Bandage --help
dot --help #dot is part of the graphviz package

Get the data

Make directories and copy the data over:

cd ~
mkdir -p GraphGenomes/{variant,msa,mygraph}
cp /shared/data/Graph_Genomes/prac1/tiny* ~/GraphGenomes/variant/.
cp /shared/data/Graph_Genomes/prac1/HLA_haplotypes.fa ~/GraphGenomes/msa/.
cp /shared/data/Graph_Genomes/prac1/{mystery.fq,cannabis.fasta} ~/GraphGenomes/mygraph/.
cd ~/GraphGenomes/variant

You should have the following two files in ~/GraphGenomes/variant.

Have a look at the data

We have two files. The first, tiny.fa, is the reference sequence. Take a look at it.

cat tiny.fa

The second file is a VCF.

VCF stands for “Variant Call Format”. VCF files describe genomic variants including:

Small variants like SNPs, insertions, and deletions are commonly documented in VCFs but larger structural variants like duplications and inversions may also be included. These variants can come from one sample or from many members of a population.

Let’s have a look.

gunzip tiny.vcf.gz
cat tiny.vcf

That’s all we need to build our pan-genome!

Build a graph with just the reference sequence

To build the graph, use the following command:

vg construct -r tiny.fa -m 32 >

We can have a look at the text representation of the graph by inspecting the GFA output produced by vg view. GFA stands for Graphical Fragment Assembly.

It has a header line that begins with H. Lines beginning with S are segments (or nodes) of the graph. Lines beginning with L are links (or edges) and lines beginning with P are paths through the graph. A path through a graph represents an observed biological sequence or haplotype and a single graph can have many paths.

vg view


While GFA format is human readable, it’s more intuitive to look at graphs with nodes and edges displayed visually.

vg view -dp | dot -Tpdf -o ref_dot.pdf

It’s a graph, but not a very exciting or useful one. Before we continue looking at visualisation options, let’s build a graph with some variation in it.

Build a graph that’s actually useful

Build a variation graph using the command below and then have a look at it in GFA format.

vg construct -r tiny.fa -v tiny.vcf -m 32 >
vg view > tiny.gfa

Have a look at the tiny.gfa file.

Part 2: Visualisation

We have a number of options when it comes to visualisation.

Option 1 - dot from the Graphviz package

"Simple graph"

vg view -dp | dot -Tpdf -o tiny_dot.pdf 

Option 2 - Bandage

"Bandage graph"

For larger graphs, Bandage is sometimes a better solution. It was designed for visualising assembly graphs (these are the graph structures that are made by assembly tools during de novo genome assembly). Bandage can’t display path information but it does allow us to visualise the structure of graphs that are many Megabases in size.

Bandage requires the graph to be in .gfa format.

vg view > tiny.gfa
Bandage image tiny.gfa tiny_bandage.png

Note: Your Bandage graph will come out slightly differently each time you run it and sometimes will have loops that don’t actually represent variation. You can tell this by the way the nodes continue through the intersection point and no edges are displayed. You can see an example of this in the bandage plot figure shown in Part 4.
Feel free to re-run bandage to get a plot that you like.

Option 3 - vg viz


vg viz produces a linear layout of a graph that scales well between small and larger graphs without losing path information. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem possible to view .svg files from within our R-studio machines. To get around this, you will need to download the .svg fle to your local machine.

vg viz requires the .xg index of the graph you want to visualise.

vg index -x tiny.xg

vg viz -x tiny.xg -o tiny_viz.svg

Part 3: Align reads to the graph

Now we’ve built a graph and looked at it but we haven’t done anything with it yet.

It would be useful if we could align reads to the graphs as this is often a first step in a bioinformatics analysis.

Mapping reads to a graph is done in two stages: first, seed hits are identified and then a sequence-to-graph alignment is performed for each individual read. Seed finding allows vg to spot candidate regions in the graph to which a given read can potentially map to.

To do this, vg requires two indexes, an XG index and a GCSA index. We already have the xg index so we’ll make the gcsa index next.

vg index -g tiny.gcsa -k 16

We don’t have any reads for our data so we’ll use vg to simulate some using vg sim as below.

cd ~/GraphGenomes/variant
mkdir reads

# generate three reads and then have a look at them
vg sim -l 20 -n 3 -e 0.05 -i 0.02 -x tiny.xg -a | vg view -X - > reads/sim_reads.fq

Now we will map these three reads to our graph. When it comes to mapping in vg, we have three options.

vg giraffe is designed to be fast for highly accurate short reads, against graphs with haplotype information.

vg map is a general-purpose read mapper.

vg mpmap does “multi-path” mapping, to allow describing local alignment uncertainty. This is very useful for transcriptomics.

We will be using vg map.

vg map --fastq reads/sim_reads.fq -x tiny.xg -g tiny.gcsa > tiny.gam

Let’s re-visualise to see the alignments. Notice that the vg view command below uses the -S option to simplify the dot output.

vg view -dS -A tiny.gam | dot -Tpdf -o alignment.pdf

Feel free to try it without the -S option as well as any other parameter combos you like to see the difference.

Looking at the reads of a graph can be quite overwhelming when you’ve got a lot of alignments and so it can sometimes help your visualisation to add these alignments back into the graph as paths, in the same way as we have the reference path.

vg augment --label-paths tiny.gam >

Let’s take a look at the graph with the dot output format as well as with vg viz

vg view -dp | dot -Tpdf -o augmented_dot.pdf 

vg index -x augmented.xg
vg viz -x augmented.xg -o augmented_viz.svg

Note that this path information doesn’t include the quality of the mapping, it just tells you where the best alignment was.

Next practical we’ll look at doing more with our read alignments (calling variants, embedding variants back into the graph).

Part 4: Multiple Sequence Alignment graph

As well as the method we used above (a reference genome and a vcf), we can also build graphs using Multiple Sequence Alignment. This method is often used when we have a number of high quality haplotype-resolved assemblies available. We align them with each other to see where each of the sequences is similar and where they differ.

cd ~/GraphGenomes/msa

Take a look at the HLA_haplotypes.fa file.

Now build the graph with vg msga and index it. It’s going to print out a heap of warnings because the vg msga module is not strictly the recommended way to produce multiple sequence alignments. We don’t have the software for other methods and this works for our purposes.

vg msga -f HLA_haplotypes.fa -t 2 -k 16 | vg mod -U 10 - | vg mod -c -X 256 - >
vg index -x hla.xg -g hla.gcsa

And visualise again!

vg view > hla.gfa

Bandage image hla.gfa hla.png
vg view -dp | dot -Tpdf -o hla.pdf
vg viz -x hla.xg -o hla.svg

Your bandage plot should look something like the plot below. Note that this plot has a loop that doesn’t indicate genomic variation. Rather, the loop inside of the dashed square is just a result of the random way that bandage visualises the graph.

"Bandage plot of hla multiple sequence alignment graph"

Are all of these visualisation methods a good/convenient way to look at this graph?

Your Turn!

Build a multiple sequence alignment graph from the cannabis.fasta dataset in the ~/GraphGenomes/mygraph directory. Consider the first sequence in the fasta file the reference sequence.

Try to do/answer the following:

Hints/Handy tips

To visualise just a small part of the graph, we can subset the graph using vg find. The -n 349 refers to the node number you’re interested in and the -c 10 is node context, the number of nodes either side of your node of interest that will be included.

vg find -n 349 -x in.xg -c 10 | vg view -dp - | dot -Tpdf -o out.pdf

You can do the same thing using Bandage without directly subsetting the graph. The --nodes parameter is the number of the node you’re interested in and the --distance parameter is the number of nodes each side to include.

Bandage image in.gfa out.png --scope aroundnodes --nodes 349 --distance 10


The provided cannabis.fasta file contains 4 sequences all taken from the same region of the cannabis genome.


Build a genome graph from a multiple sequence alignment of these four sequences, index the graph, and then visualise the graph.

# Construct a genome graph using the multiple sequence alignment method
# The --base option sets pink_pepper as the "reference" sequence.
# Setting pink_pepper as the reference will not change the actual sequence content of the graph but it will change the way your graph looks a little bit and in our case, it helps with interpretation
vg msga -f cannabis.fasta -t 2 -k 16 --base pink_pepper | vg mod -U 10 - | vg mod -c -X 256 - >

# index it (required for vg viz as well as the upcoming mapping step)
vg index -x cannabis.xg
vg index -g cannabis.gcsa -k 16

# Visualise it all the ways
vg view -dpS | dot -Tpdf -o cannabis.pdf

vg view > cannabis.gfa
Bandage image cannabis.gfa cannabis_bandage.png

vg viz -x cannabis.xg -o cannabis.svg

NOTE: Sometimes it’s hard to see your bandage plot because the nodes are too skinny and the graph is too long. You can make the nodes wider using the --nodewidth parameter. It takes values between 0.5 and 1000 and the default is 5.

For more ways to modify the way your bandage plot looks, run Bandage image --helpall.

"Cannabis MSA Bandage plot"

I’ve circled three locations on the plot that show our three structural variants and you’ll notice that they’re all just alternative paths along the graph that look like loops. We can’t tell from the bandage plot what is going on in each sample or what paths each sample takes. It really only gives us some idea about the amount of variation contained within the graph. For example, if there were many SNPs contained within this region of cannabis that differed between our 4 sequences, we’d see it here.

Now, let’s look at the graphviz dot format plot.

We can see each of our four sequences represented as a different coloured path along the graph. If we look carefully at the graph, we can see that each of the the sequences finola, pineapple bubba kush, and cannatonic have one structural variant (usually defined as a variant > 50bp in length) when compared with the pink pepper reference.

"Start of cannabis dot graph"

I’ve zoomed in on the regions that correspond with the three structural variants in the figures below.

By setting pink pepper as the reference sequence, it is much easier to see that this section of sequence is duplicated in finola and is located between nodes 62 and 258. It looks as though the duplicated sequence is approximately 320 bp in length if you add up the length of these nodes (inclusive).


The insertion is found at node 247 in cannatonic and is 80bp in length.


The deletion is found at node 240 in pineapple bubba kush and is also 80 bp in length.


If this was difficult for you to find, it’s okay. We will learn next practical how to call variants programmatically.

Next, let’s align reads to our graph and visualise our alignments with dot.

vg map --fastq mystery.fq -x cannabis.xg -g cannabis.gcsa > mystery.gam
vg view -dpS -A mystery.gam | dot -Tpdf -o alignments.pdf

"Alignment visualisation"

If we go to the locations of the structural variants, we can see which structural variant they support. We will start with the deletion and insertion because the long length of the duplication compared with the short length of the reads means that it will be difficult, if not impossible to interpret (if we had long reads this would be much easier).

At node 247, cannatonic was found to have an 80bp insertion. Do your reads align to node 247? Mine don’t so I don’t think these reads are from this sample.

Looking at the location of the deletion at node 240, we again don’t have any reads aligning. However, because this is a deletion in the pineapple bubba kush sequence, we wouldn’t expect reads to align to node 240 if these reads were from this sample. Therefore, our reads are probably from the pineapple bubba kush sample.

We could try to confirm this by looking for any other locations where the pineapple bubba kush path differs from the other three paths and seeing whether our reads are aligning to the same path.

For example, node 25 is a 1 bp deletion that is only found in pineapple bubba kush and none of the reads spanning this deletion have node 25 in their path.

This is not the only way, and perhaps not even the best way, to explore these read alignments. You could also add read alignments to the graph as paths with vg augment and/or subset the graph with vg find to zoom in on a small part of the graph. You could try vg viz to look at these augmented paths or use graphviz dot with the same or different parameters.

The code below augments the graph with read alignments as paths and visualises in case you’re interested in trying.

# first add the alignments to the graph as paths.
vg augment --label-paths mystery.gam >

# visualise with dot without subsetting the graph
vg view -dSp | dot -Tpdf -o augmented_dot.pdf

# visualise with subsetting requires an xg index
vg index -x augmented.xg
vg find -n 65 -x augmented.xg -c 10 | vg view -dpS - | dot -Tpdf -o duplication.pdf